班尼迪克蛋(Eggs Benedict)是一道非常传统,同时也非常经典美式早餐。但是别看简简单单的一个样子,其实过程算是brunch里相对繁琐的一款食物,因为从调制荷...
...nedict),熏三文鱼蛋松饼(Eggs Benedict)的做法大全,熏三文鱼蛋松饼(Eggs Benedict)的菜谱,熏三文鱼蛋松饼(Eggs Benedict)的功效...
以上来源于: WordNet
N-PLURAL a dish consisting of toast, covered with a slice of ham, poached egg, and hollandaise sauce 班尼迪克蛋; 一道在吐司面包上盖上火腿、荷包蛋和奶油蛋黄酱的菜肴
I guess on this perfect Sunday morning all the "captains" and their mates are home making eggs Benedict while praying for "just the right" wind.
Show me one person who enjoys a subzero day in February, and I’ll show you a person who says each spring, “Forget the eggs Benedict. I’m going sailing.”
The recall isn't enough to scare off Charles Mettler, who ordered an eggs Benedict on Tuesday when he stopped by Drake Diner's in Des Moines, Iowa.
召回不足使查尔斯 梅特勒被吓倒,当他停留在衣阿华得梅因的德克士餐馆时,他在星期二点了火腿蛋松饼。